Friday, June 5, 2015

What Is The True Name Of God And Christ, Does Any One Know?

Christ Is Hebrew Therefore He Has A Hebrew Name!

Neither was Christ European. 
The Roman Catholic Church used 
Cesare Borgia, 

image to deceive the whole Earth!!!

Wake Up My People! Come Out Of Her! We'll Soon See Zion Praise "AHAYAH"

The name of the Most High ( Ahayah) and Christ ( Yashayah )revealed.
So, to clarify two things: that Jesus is a pagan name and does not mean savior. 
Yashaya means God is Salvation, just in case I confused anyone in the video.
Remember, see more research and information for yourself,

True Names of the Most High and His Son

There have been a lot of misunderstandings when it comes to
the True Names of the Most High and Christ. With this
information, not only will you know have the wherewithal to
understand the names for yourself; you will also be able to
defend the true Names of the Most High Ahayah and our Lord
and Savior Yashiya.

The Letter J
First and foremost, as many people may already know, the letter J did not
exist until about the mid-17th century (around 1634). In fact, the letter J
was the last letter to be added to the English alphabet. Also, there are no J's
nor J sounds when it comes to Ancient Hebrew or Greek for that matter.
When you examine the King James 1611 Bible, there are no letter J’s
“The letter j can be seen to be a Johnny-come-lately of the medieval
alphabet, and had not quite established itself by the end of the period we
are looking at here.”(

The Conclusion
Now that we understand that the letter J didn't exist in the early 17th century (let
alone during the time of Christ) we can now move on to the next phase. Many
scholars acknowledge the fact that the letter J is a newly found letter and that the
letter could have not been a part of the names of the Most High and Christ. So
instead of going deeper into the Hebrew Language to find the true names of the
Most High and Christ, they simply just substitute the J with a Y. Even though they
have the correct concept, it still leaves room for error and confusion. For example:
They'll take the J out of the name Jehovah and add a Y to make it Yehovah. 

Or they
take the J out of Jesus, substitute the J for a Y and make it Yeshua. Let's see if these
two names Yehovah and Yeshua are correct.